Blog: Cindy Print On Demand Artist

Leaf Brush Collage

Leaf Brush Collage

Leaf brush collage is made with a single leaf brush I just created.  To make a brush in photoshop you create a new document with transparent background layer at 2500px...

Leaf Brush Collage

Leaf brush collage is made with a single leaf brush I just created.  To make a brush in photoshop you create a new document with transparent background layer at 2500px...

Layer Styles In Photoshop: Colorful Lollipops

Layer Styles In Photoshop: Colorful Lollipops

This piece was made in a bunch of steps in Photoshop using layer styles and the distort > twirl filter under Photoshop's filter menu.  Each lollipop type was first created...

Layer Styles In Photoshop: Colorful Lollipops

This piece was made in a bunch of steps in Photoshop using layer styles and the distort > twirl filter under Photoshop's filter menu.  Each lollipop type was first created...

Workin For The Weekend Is a Blur and hey How do you store 30 years of art In a studio apartment

Workin For The Weekend Is a Blur and hey How do...

Here is that finished images raw photo available at smug mug. Its no masterpiece but classic snapshots are becoming an artform nowadays. Maybe it'll trend. The finished image used on...

Workin For The Weekend Is a Blur and hey How do...

Here is that finished images raw photo available at smug mug. Its no masterpiece but classic snapshots are becoming an artform nowadays. Maybe it'll trend. The finished image used on...

Goin Back a Few Years and Gettin Lost In The Corn

Goin Back a Few Years and Gettin Lost In The Corn

This image was taken about five or six years ago.  I could look at the exif info but I really don't need to.  Its been that long since I was...

Goin Back a Few Years and Gettin Lost In The Corn

This image was taken about five or six years ago.  I could look at the exif info but I really don't need to.  Its been that long since I was...

Hawaiian Landscapes

Hawaiian Landscapes

All of my Hawaiian landscapes are taken from photography done on my family trip in 2007 to the Big Island of Hawaii.  I used a cannon sure shot automatic camera...

Hawaiian Landscapes

All of my Hawaiian landscapes are taken from photography done on my family trip in 2007 to the Big Island of Hawaii.  I used a cannon sure shot automatic camera...

Nine O Clock Sunrise Landscape photo Taken while homeless

Nine O Clock Sunrise Landscape photo Taken whil...

I have debated if I should discuss my mental health and time while homeless on my professional sites and seeing this image taken on a morning that I woke up...

Nine O Clock Sunrise Landscape photo Taken whil...

I have debated if I should discuss my mental health and time while homeless on my professional sites and seeing this image taken on a morning that I woke up...