Sept. 7, 1945

Sept. 7, 1945

Sept. 7, 1945

Darlingest You All,

     Did you ever get an idea that was 100% strictly original?  Whilst playing hop scotch amidst cactuses something twanged in my head.  Twas this - "Saur krout flavored lip stick" !   Can you realize the gigantic emotional upsets involved.  Betcha two shoe laces no one else but us, in the whole world has ever said the magic words, Saur krout flavored lipstick.  It frightens me.

    Be leaving for your vacation in a couple of days huh darling?  Gee that's swell.  Ain'tcha  really gonna do nothin but drink milk and read "The Robe"?  Can't have no fun that way.  I hope you have the swellest doggone time.  You sure got it comming.

    Say, people who expect you to spend half your vacation writing letters are horrid!  Me too!  Just sort of drop me a postal card once in awhile to let me know what's cooking.  Of course if it rains one day and you have nothing else to do - well - otherwise ignore your public (that's me !)

    Checked on the X mis today.

     1.  Me or my bones are degenerate (don't know what this means)

      2.  Arthritis (what's it doing in my knee)

       3. Quote M.D. "You're getting old".

     How do you like that?  At 23 the Air Force says I'm getting old.  I'll be damned.

What did your X (you know who's) show?  Say, didn't you have trouble with your foot before.  Warn't there one day in Palm Beach that it hurt like that?  What's the cause?  What you need is a new liver!  Why?  Beats me!  But why not!

    D.D.'s new picture :The Lion The T." is coming to port theater tomorrow.  Do you think it would show weakness if a certain old flame but who has in the meantime thrun her over should go see it on account of it's a murder mystery?  Do yah think?  huh?  According to the coming attractions all of the sudden she's a blonde and wears horrible clothes. 

     This A. M. two of your letters came.  the last one and the one from Tuscon.  Both swell!  So you'll fix me huh?  Swell!  That's the gal I'm in love with.  I'm not kidding honey, those three words made me happy.  Ya see if I do something wrong, I expect you to make some sparks fly.  Same vice versa.  Nuff said on said subject!

     Why the six cent stamp?  The United States Post Office - Alamagordo branch is short of eight cent air mail stamps.  They are completely out of two cent stamps.  Such are the conditions that prevail.

     There is also a soap shortage - also a (of all things ) water shortage.

     Golly honey, not latrine duty too.  Gee whiz.  That hamburger at O'connels!  Was it lovely or lonely?  Can a hamburger be lonely?  Do you think the wedding march is played when two hamburgers become hamburger steak?  I love you.

     A guy is playing Clar de Lune!  Time out!   How much I love you.

     "I see stars in your eyes". hasn't reached here yet.  I know what the guy that wrote it meant.  The rage here now is something by Roy Acuff.  It goes " there be smoke on the mountains on the land and the sea" or something.  It makes me shudder. 

      Silly girl!  Wisnieweski is sitting across from me right now.

      Says who Terry ain't no gum drop?  Course you're a bon bon!  Pretty too! 

      Down with Mardelle!

      Says who I can't be interested?

      Mama what's a relief?

This joe that Mary Jane married sounds educated.  Oh well, everyone can't go to Harvard.  I'll bet your pop looks at M. J.'s Husband then looks at you and thinks of me and has to pour himself a double gin.  Do you think someday we could get Adeline into a crap game?  Maybe she has her own dice!

     Getting to know you is a surprise!  A very pleasant one.  Like biting into a chocolate and discovering that it's  the kind you like.  Was it any worse going to Lee's?  Could this be possible?

      You and slacks are a very handsome couple.  The way you look in them is why they are. 

     The guy's playing "If you are but a dream"

      You gave me your word - the latest rumour is that we'll be here till the end of the month.

      Ya know, stange goings on around here.  Come monday a letter for mom saying they were leaving for a weeks vacation the day it was mailed.  Comes Tuesday a money order for 25$ Gotta get a report from my Chicago underground.

     If I were the least bit childish I'd write a poem that goes something like this.





      Today when your letters came and I read them, for the first time in ages I really thought that everything is going to be alright.

     Darling, will you dance with me?

      I love you


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