June 15th 1944
Hiya Darling,
Your sunglasses arrived this morning and a fine pair they are too. I think you overshot the two bit budget. Thanks very lotsish.
There's a very slight and weak rumor that we may get another furlough around the first of July. The odds are against it so i'm not even going to mention it to mom. Even so it's swell just to think about it. The whole thing depends on gunnery school. If they're all filled up and it'll be about a month or so till there's an opening we get ten days. If a school's open we move right on.
Yah know, the thought of being with you is pretty exciting and dowish. It's only been three months, but they were long ones. Anything over ten minutes away from you is bad. Gee, your nice. I like holding you in my arms. I like kissing you. Aw shucks, I just like you. If you hear my crackling voice over the telephone don't scream. OLr on second thought, go ahead and scream. I'll scream right along with you. We'll be a couple of screams.
I probably won't get a furlough, but I sure like to think about it. Keep your fingers crossed, will you.
Bye Sweetheart.
Love and Kisses