July 28, 1945

July 28, 1945

July 28, 1945

     Act 1. Scene 1. Page 1

Place: Our lavish 1 1/2 room apartment overlooking Milwaukee Ave. at Paulina St.

Time: Some evening after the war.  

      I come struggling up the fourth flight of stairs after a hard day at the salt mines.  I am weary and hungry.  I fumble with the keys and finally get the door open.  I enter:

Me: Hiya Petunia!

You: Did you remember to bring the bottle?

Me: Righto (extracting a bottle from my warm pocket)

You:  Wanta drink?

Me: Roger!

You:  Here's dirt in your ears!

Me: Hmmph!

Me: What's for supper?

You:  Go take a look.

I extend my right arm, open a curtain and look on the sterno stove.  There are three pots steaming away.  I remove all three lids and look.  A horrible expression comes to my face.  In order, the pots contain cod fish stew, boiled carrots, and potato soup.  I shudder!

Me:  Darling!

You: What?

Me: Didn't I tell you never to have cod fish stew, boiled carrots and potato soup?

You: Is that what it was that you didn't like?

Me: Yes!

You: Oh!

Me: This of course, is it!

You:  Have mercy!

Me: Fiddle Faddle!

I pick up a handy skillet and start beating out back beat boogie.

You: EEEK!

Me:  Hmmph!

You flitter gracefully to the floor singing "don't bash me in" .   Your eyelids flicker then all is quiet.

End of Act 1

Act 2 Same Scene

Me: (thinking aloud) Hmmm, I suppose I should tell her father.  He's always interested in our latest gags.  I walk through blood to the telephone and look around for a lead nickel, find one and dial the number.

Me: Hello!

CM: Hello!

Me: Ahoy CM, this is RJ


Me:  Yes, the one with your daughter.

CM:  Oh that one.

Me: I have news!

CM: Say, you ought to see my latest gadget.

Me: Oh!

CM:  this one's the best yet.

Me: Oh!

CM:  A radio controlled radio

Me: Astounding CM, However do you think them up

CM: (bashfully) Oh I don't know I guess it's a knack.

Me: you're quite the kid CM!

CM: Purr Purr Purr

Me:  Oh yes, I called to tell you of the latest news.

CM:  What would that be?

Me:  This might strike you as being quaint!

CM: Nonsense I b een married too long.

Me:  It's about Shirl

CM: What ho!

Me: At 5:37 pm I massaged her head 63 times with an 8 inch skillet.

CM:  63 times?

Me:  Yep.

CM:  8 inch skillet

Me:  Roger

CM:  Anything break?

Me:  Her head.

CM:  Messy?

Me:  Rather

CM:  Tchach

Me:  Quite!

CM: I just figured it out if you had used a ten inch skillet you would have only hit her 37 times to acquire the same purpose.

Me:  I was rather in a hurry.

CM:  That's the trouble with you young people, always rushing.  If you had figured it out you could have saved 26 blows.   

Me:  I'm sorry.

CM:   Oh well, you'll learn.

Me:  I hope so.

CM:  By the way,  I hope you know that this breaks us up socially.

Me:  I was afraid you'd take it this way.  

CM:  Well, afterall, what would people say?

Me:  I understand.  By the way how's Adleine?

CM: Ugh!

Me:  Oh!

CM:  Anything else news?

Me: Not that I can think of.

CM: I guess things are dull all over.

Me: It seems that way.

CM: It's about time for my singing lessons so if you don't mind --

Me:  Oh yes, Of course.

CM:  Goodbye Old Son.

Me:  Farewell!

CM:  Bon Jour!

Me: Au Revoir!

CM:  Toodle OO!

Me: So long!

CM: Adios!

I hang up the phone and look disturbed.

End of act 2



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