Jan 30, 1945
Jan 30, 1945
Heya Sweetheart,
Right now, quick like, I'm sitting in the redecorated fox hole affectionately known as the Officer's Club. I was 'took' for 65 cents by the slots machine, blow a nickel on a Coke and am now settled down to writing you a torrid love letter.
You'd better throw your tooth brush and shoe strings into a shopping bag and pop down here. The weather is super swell. Warm breezes, swell sunshine, and a very romantic moon. We are twenty miles from Palm Beach and there are buses running every hour. I'm going there tomorrow to see about a place for Mom and Myles. I'll try and get an extra bedroom for you in case you want to tag along. You'd like it here , Honey. I'm not going to try to talk you into anything. Do what you think, but there'll be a place here if you come.
The field isn't so hot in a great many ways. It's scattered all over the state. I just about have to hitch hike to the Mess Hall. The barracks are about the same as Truax Field and very crowded. This is the only school of it's kind and the course is hot stuff. I don't know yet how long I'll be here. Somewhere between eight and sixteen weeks. By the time I leave here I should be able to do anything up to and including milking rattlesnakes.
We were on the train for five days and nights. I felt homeless when i left it. We had a seven hour layover in Kansas City so I got around there a little bit and I spent three hours walking around Birmingham. The deep south does not believe in hurrying. Never saw such slow people. I'd be a wreck if I had to watch them for more than a day. If they ever want to secede from the Union again I won't stop them.
I'll know a bit more about life in general in a couple of days so I'll tell you all about it. Right now all that I'm sure of is that I start school on the fifth. Write right sudden like and enlighten me. I'll be waiting for your letter. Hope you're okeydoke and stay such. So long, Darling.
All my love