Aug. 13, 1945

Aug. 13, 1945

Aug. 13, 1945

My Darling,

      I went to town yesterday afternoon and had my ring made smaller.  I was pretty lucky and got it fixed while I waited.  The jeweler said it was a very fine ring and that the initials were hand carved.  He fixed it in less than an hour.  It's a size 8 now.  We allowed for a two way stretch.

        Valley of Deciscions was at one of the shows so I went in.  It was a good picture but not as complete as the book.  There were some changes but they fit in well.  I guess Hollywood has to have a happy ending so at the end they got together.  The 2nd Future was as good as V. of D.  I'd never even heard a rumour about it.  "The Southerner". with Zachary Scotts and Betty Field.  It was darned good.  After the show I meandered over to the Salvation army and hooked four donuts and two cups of coffee.  I was back in the field by ten and then lost a dime in a red hopt running game.  My whole weekend was spoiled.  I've got to go to briefing in an hour and a half.  Chow now!

     I am unwell!  After we landed last night the Pilot, Engineer, Navigator, and I went over to the Club and drank 17000 bottles of beer.  We heard a flash that was over at 6:30 and when we landed we were told that was a mistake.  So we guzzled and told unnice stories.  This morning I feel as if any minute I'm gonna explode.  I'm not sick of even fuzzy.  I just feel like I'm gonna explode.  Oh hell!

      Hey, from your description of your mom, maybe I'm courtin' the wrong gal.  I'll bet she feels pretty chipper.  Hey, how much do you weigh now?  

      Almost blew the barracks up this morning.  Damn lighter fluid.  Should have put the cork back.  Oh hell!

     Somehow or other I've missed eating since lunch yesterday.  My stomach is also ready to explode.  More damned explosions today.

      Ya know there are only three us Radar men in this outfit?  Last night one of them got shot by an unexpected husband.  Just a little bit shot though.  So now me and a guy named Acosta are the last of the radar dept.  We're quite exclusive.  

      Speaking of explosions, we had a gas leak somewhere in the ship last night and we all expected to be blown to meatballs.  We didn't though.  I have absolutely no desire to become an atom.  Ya know, I was wondering if they get together and have little atoms.  If so I'd like to know how the hell they do it.  Just can't figure it out.  I'm quite sure I wouldn't want to be an atom.  Although I'll bet atoms don't have hardly any trouble with barbers.  But then an atom can't eat roast duck.  Say, If an atom had a girlfriend and her name were eve, would they be atom and eve?  Would they wear atom sized fig leaves?  Do atoms like figs?  Gee, there are so many things that I don't know.  I'm ignorant.

     Gotta go to class now.

   I love you I love you I love you


P.S. You're nice!

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