April 14, 1943

April 14, 1943

April 14, 1943

Dear Shirl,

      So help me Toots - I;m not trying to make conversation or sump'n but - I'll be darned if we ain't got another blizzard here.  Crazy weather ain't it?

     I don't want to sound monotonous but I guess I'm in the soup again.  Wanta hear about it?  Ok.  I brought a pair of old brown and white shoes back with me to wear around camp.  I bought a bottle of brown shoe dye at the P.X. for eight cents and dyed them solid brown.  They sure did look beautiful.  I put them on Sunday and wore them to school.  We were working out at one of the outlying units that day and the roads were flooded so we had to walk.  On the way back the rain came.  Much wetness!  We reached the gates of camp so I formed my group in a military order.  We were marching along very nicely when the Colonel passed by.  He stopped us and invited me to come closer to him.  I did !  He asked me if I knew that two toned shoes were not being worn in the army this year?  I began to suspect that something was not right.  The rest you can guess.  I'm still a Corporal, but the Colonel calls me Bottleneck.  Oh well - that's life. 

      How's everything going with you?  Is the world filled with sunshine - etc. etc. etc.etc.

     Hey - how about spaghetti and meat balls on the twenty third. Eh what?

      I was to the post theater last night and saw "The Amazing Mrs. Holiday".  That Durbin gal has done growed up!  In one scene I darned near drooled.  I still think that you are purtier though.  And anyway, she's fat.

     i'm sending you one of those mic strips I was telling you about.  I've been meaning to send it for the past five months but I've misplaced it.  The other ones must be at home.  Me and Dick Tracy huh? 

     Gotta go to bed now so Bye Bye.  Take good care of yourself and be _ _ _ _ (three guesses)


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