New Painting! Colorful leaves Watercolor
So I couldn't sleep last night and took out the watercolors, my only paints right now and three bulky brushes , i lost my fine brush and a very small sketchbook which I ripped a piece of paper out of. I did it with the idea it would make good print on demand products in cloth so large blocky color in an all over composition is what I was looking for. Its not much really but when you consider during the move I lost all my old artwork, mostly class assignments and such, figure drawing, things I couldn't use in print on demand, it feels really good to have something I painted. the act of painting was also fun. Relaxing. I didn't remember it being so relaxing. I spent about forty minutes on it. Not a huge time investment. I took out the cell phone and made a few minutes towards the end. Need to find a better camera holder arrangement but I got some video of me painting. Well I put the image up on zazzle, redbubble society 6 Threadless and I'm just about to add pixels. I love painting. If I make enough money I will buy more painting and drawing supplies! I feel like an artist tonight. There is something about traditional drawling and painting textures that just look so good on print on demand items. The roughness of it I think. The contrast. The look of something homeade but produced digitally. It is a lost art to paint and draw in this day and age and reminding us of the tactile and viceral properties the painty and brushes can have seems to be a winning situation for the all too digital medium of print on demand.