Crochet Phone Bag Progress Week 1.5
Well this week I have found crocheting has my concentration much like reading does. Sporadic and in 10 minute fits. How do I deal with that in reading? Well I keep my favorite four or five books under the coffee table, and a charged kindle fire on top... so at any moment, or any light level I can grab it and read a bit. sometimes I read two ten minutes-es. I also have a digital and paper subscription to national geographic so I can stay up on world news of climate change and sciency discoveries... but I can't really focus enough to make good use of it...but hey if it improves I have a years worth of mags to catch up on! Anyhoo, the crocheting seems to be in ten minute spurts here and there, so I have my couch ready for my crochet bag and my easel chair sits holding it when not in use so as to allow me to stretch out on my couch as my acheing hips allow. This of course makes it critical I do not move my last painting from the easel as I would have to find a new place to keep the crochet bag and then we would come to how much closet cleaning I have to do. Lets just rest itb enough to say, I live in a small one bedroom apartment.. and from time to time, I suffer from a short attention span.
This may or may not be my meds, that is not really important right now. The important thing is ... I am CONTINUING to crochet. I have completed four rows of double crochet and it really looks like it will need about twenty. At This point I dont know if I will have money to order my own fabric for the lining...Christmas is coming up you know! and I may be impatient. Then I remembered I have several pair of outgrown (temporarily outgrown as I am watching my diet) Denim jeans. I could make a lining out of a cutoff leg.. at the shorts level and maybe just double crochet the bottom... but intead of whip stitching with a yarn needle, I'd have to get a small hand sewing kit... and use a sturdy thread and hand sewing needle. I always lose them so I'd need to get a tomatoe pin cushion like in the seventies. If they still make those. Did you know the tip typically had needle shapening properties and that is where you kept the sewing needles and the rest of the damn thing was for pins? I am just full of useless knowledge. So a denim lined phone pouch. I would need to completely ruin one pair of jeans as I would need then to line the crossbody strap with the denim as well. long strips. would eat up a whole leg. other wise, if I left the thing just a crochet strap with the weight of the denim, the strap would stretch out and you'd have it at your knees. I want the bag to rest just above my hip. So I think this bag. shall be denim and crochet. I hereby donate an entire pair of old wonderful jeans to the cause. Crap, I'll probably have to buy a pair of friskars as well as I don't have anything sharp enough to cut strips of denim. But that won't be till I get to the strap.
It is good I am taking this project slowly as I have found either way I go It shall cost me another twenty or so. I pray I have sales bewteen now and then and most likely will.. and shall be able to offset tghe cost of my bag.
What shall I use the bag for? For walking with my winter coat on, down maybe to buy flowers to photograph from the florist in town, or down to take pictures of the christmas lights this year. I want my phone grab handy...these are dangerous times my friend. a walk at night in winter even in a small town can be the last.
Take care all. Hug your family, tell your friends how much they mean to you, and then don't count your blessings, but carry on. just carry on.